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Jay Hikuleo Ikiua

Kaiārahi Cultural Advisor

Ngā mihi ki a koutou

Fakaalofa lahi atu kia tautolu oti


 I whānau mai au i Aotearoa nei, ēngari nō Tāwāhai ōku tīpuna

Heio anō, kei Porirua tōku ngākau


NZ born yet hails from the beautiful Island of Niue - known as the Rock of Polynesia, a place of tranquillity and serene lifestyle.  She has worked extensively for the past 20 years as a Social Worker, Senior Practitioner (Child Protection/Youth Work), Educator and an advisory role and leadership positions in Humanitarian Aid on the Island of Nauru. 


Further to this, Jay acts on the Pasifika Assessment Advisory Committee for New Zealand Qualifications Board and as moderator for Pacific Studies and Vagahau Niue Arts and Crafts. She continues to provide leadership mentoring and encourages others how to work in a bicultural space that is mana enhancing.  Jay's career choices are centred around "Where can I best serve the people".


Her passion and drive to do what she enjoys is always and will be around her love for the people.  Her past stint working in Humanitarian Aid was an eye opener yet life changing that it brought her back to continue the work with migrant communities more recently as Kaiārahi - Cultural Advisor. 


Jay's future goals are to write to her lived experience in Humanitarian Aid through research, conference presentations and published journal articles and to travel the world with her favourite travelling companions: her two adult children.


Ngā mihi

Kia monouina

Jay Hikuleo Ikiua


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