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A Successful Migration Experience to Aotearoa New Zealand


Mohammed Amine Ghname Abdulla arrived in Aotearoa New Zealand in April this year. Originally from Yemen, he spent the last six years as a refugee in Somaliland.


He was identified by UNHCR for the Community Refugee Sponsorship programme and subsequently matched with a community sponsoring organisation (Approved Sponsor) group in Palmerston North.


Approved Sponsor group members are in the majority volunteers who provide social and practical assistance, an orientation to life in Aotearoa New Zealand, and help connect sponsored refugees to the local community and mana whenua to help build a sense of place and belonging. Group members provide ongoing support and guidance for two years of the sponsored refugee’s settlement journey.


When the Pakistan New Zealand Friendship Association initially became part of the programme, their motivation was evident. Lorna Johnson, a pivotal member of the group, explains:

"I just know how important it is for people to get a good start when they

come to New Zealand, to have support, to be linked into services, to make friends,

feel welcomed. And I want to be able to provide a really good experience

for somebody that needs to be resettled - we know we can't resettle every refugee

in the world, but we can help some people.”


The beginning of Mohammed’s settlement journey


Mohammed reflects on his journey: “In recent months, my life has been full of challenges and new opportunities as I traveled to New Zealand through the Community Sponsorship Refugee Pathway. I now hold permanent residency in New Zealand.”


He speaks highly of the Approved Sponsor group that spent many months preparing for his arrival while Mohammed proceeded through the immigration process.


“I arrived in New Zealand four months ago, and from the moment I landed

at the airport, a group of sponsors warmly welcomed me.

They had everything prepared for me, and they’ve been

nothing but kind and incredibly supportive.

Their ongoing guidance has helped me overcome obstacles,

and to this day, they continue to assist me in achieving my goals step by step.

I am deeply grateful to my sponsor group, Pakistan New Zealand

Friendship Association, led by Lorna Johnson.”


About his new home

We asked Mohammed what he thought of New Zealand so far. His response is instant:

"New Zealand is a country that words cannot fully describe. It’s a land of breathtaking natural beauty, offering peace and happiness. Moreover, it is a place known for its safety, stability, and a deep commitment to its citizens and residents, providing them with the support, education, and services they need to accomplish their aspirations."


Photo credits: Amilie Bentley


What’s next for Mohammed

Mohammed holds a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering and has completed eight out of thirteen courses for a Master's in Business Administration.


“Currently, I am studying several courses here in New Zealand that will contribute to my professional and personal development.”


He continues:

“I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the government and people of

New Zealand for their warm welcome and the opportunities

they provide to people like me. Additionally, I thank the HOST International Aotearoa 

for their continued communication with us.

This experience I share today is just the beginning of my new journey in

New Zealand, and I will continue to share more of my experiences in the future.

We are moving forward, step by step, toward realizing our dreams.”

Thank you for sharing your experiences so far, Mohammed. We wish you the very best as you continue on your settlement journey. It is an honour for us to be a part of this journey with you.


If you live in a community where former refugees are resettled, get to know them and find out about their dreams and aspirations for their new lives here in Aotearoa New Zealand!



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